Welcome to LifeJourney


Empowering you to convert challenges into your goals and desires.

What if you knew meditation would focus your mind's activity to receive messages and guidance rather than attempt to chase away all thoughts into silence? Whether you are frustrated by trying to silence your mind or an experienced quiet meditator, you can benefit through guidance from Spirit/God. The Rainbow Meditations teach you to focus your attention to perceive and process guidance. You can use the techniques to find answers, seek broader wisdom, or simply to learn more about yourself and life.

The Meditation Wheel has been used by generations of Indigenous tribes globally for guidance, health and healing. Each of the Four Directions (East, South, West, North),represent dimensions of health, cycles of life, and insightful understanding.  The Meditation Wheel opens your mind and heart to perceive wisdom where confusion clouded your vision. Gain insights into your health, your life choices, help with difficult decisions, and so much more. Join us to learn how the Meditation Wheel can help you.

From January through May, join us for free once-per-month guided meditations. Each is designed to address seasonal stressors helping you to reconnect with your internal compass to successfully navigate through. 

January's "Come Home to Myself" shows you how to decompress after the holidays. February's "Winter Blah's Go Away" rekindles your motivation. March's "Hope Flows" lets you create priorities to avoid overwhelm. April's "Breathe New Life" explores gratitude as a strength to take action. May's "In the Midst of Renewal" reconnects you with the beauty of life.

We know everyone says the same thing. So what differentiates us? 

Our core beliefs guide us to create workshops that rely on Spirit/God to provide guidance rather than solve your problems for you. We are not here to rescue you - you don't need to be rescued.

We are here to help you rise above and work with Spirit/God to create your life's story. To recognize the opportunities in the challenges so you can grow because of those challenges. Everything worth having; everything worth doing comes with challenges. These challenges allow us to become the best version of ourselves.